High Six

Segment: Transition bas-carbone

High Six operates in the optimization of off-site construction systems. Relying on off-site and regionalized construction technologies and manufacturers, High Six supports project owners in the design of their projects. Their strength: a network of regionalized, local suppliers.

In 2022, High Six launched CREE France, a proven off-site construction solution for commercial buildings in Europe. Building on its expertise in low-carbon building design, High Six was chosen by CREE Buildings to create CREE France, a joint venture aimed at massifying low-carbon construction on the French market. The joint venture will draw on High Six's expertise and CREE Buildings' solutions and know-how, with nearly 10 office buildings already completed in Europe (200,000m2 of floor area).

A unique model that combines economic performance and low-carbon development, with construction times reduced by up to 50%
